Computer hardware upgrades


Improve your computers performance with an upgrade.

There are many ways in which you can upgrade your computer to prolong its life or just to improve performance.


Here at 64-BIT computing we can fit just about anything it your pc, from extreme liquid cooling of the CPU and graphics to just adding some extra hard drives.

Below is a common list of hardware upgrades and a description of performance characteristics.

Upgrades types:

  • CPU (Increase the amount of the calculations your CPU can do with dual or quad core processor and gain faster multi tasking and overall system performance.)
  • Motherboard (Better chips sets on newer motherboards i.e. north bridge and south bridge controllers help expand the systems capabilities and performance with integrated hardware such as network card; graphics card; sound card; upgraded hard drive controllers.)
  • Hard drives (Large amounts of data require hard drives with faster seek times and greater storage capacity. Today’s standard drive would be 500GB or 1TB with Cache: 32 MBytes Spindle Speed: 7,200 rpm or 10,000 rpm.)
  • CD/DVD/Blu-ray (Need to play the latest games, Watch DVD and Blu-Ray films or have removable storage for ease of use.)
  • Sound Cards (More advanced cards usually include more than one sound chip to provide higher data rates and multiple simultaneous functionality, eg between digital sound production and synthesized sounds (usually for real-time generation of music and sound effects using minimal data and CPU time.)
  • Cooling (Cooling can be anything from a few extra fans or replacements to extreme liquid cooling for the over clockers amongst you.)

All our upgrade work comes with a 30-day guarantee on labour and 1 year manufacturer warranty.